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here is a list of the common presenting symptoms you may see in your MINI-CEX

APPENDIX A Common Presenting Signs and Symptoms
Please note that this list shows examples, and does not represent all possible presenting signs and symptoms that may be encountered during a Step 2 Clinical Skills examination.


Abdominal distension Abdominal pain Abnormal menses Abnormal movements Altered bowel habits (e.g., constipation, diarrhea, fecal incontinence) Back pain Bloody stools/melena Breast-related complaints Chest pain/discomfort Child and adolescent behavior concerns Confusion Cough Decreased sensation in extremities Dental pain Difficulty walking Dyspareunia Dysphagia Ear-related complaints (e.g., pain, tinnitus, hearing loss) Easy bruising Epistaxis Evaluation after a fall Extremity pain Eye complaints (e.g., pain, visual changes) Fatigue Fevers, chills and/or night sweats Flank pain Genital complaints (e.g., discharge, lesions, pain) Hallucinations Headache Hematemesis Hemoptysis High blood pressure Hot flashes Indigestion Infant spitting up
Irritable infant/child Jaundice Jaw pain Joint pain Joint swelling Leg swelling Loss of appetite Mass/lump Memory loss Mood disorder Mouth and lip changes Muscle pain Nasal discharge Nausea/vomiting Neck pain Palpitations Post-operative complications Postpartum concerns/complications Pregnancy-related concerns/complications Pruritus Rash Seizure Sexual dysfunction Shortness of breath Sinus pain/pressure Sleep issues Sore throat Substance use Syncope Trouble concentrating Urinary complaints (e.g., frequency, dysuria, retention, incontinence) Vertigo/dizziness/lightheadedness Weakness Weight gain Weight loss Wheezing